No. 740 - 32 oz. Graduated Acid Jug, 1-handle in Ounces (Crystal)
No. 740 - Graduated Acid Jug, 1-handle in Ounces Available Sizes:
#740/1 - 16 oz.
#740/2 - 32 oz.
#740/3 - 64 oz.
#740 - 128 oz.
No. 741 - Graduated Jug, 1-handle in Milliliters (Cubic Centimeters) Available Sizes:
#741/1 - 500cc
#741/2 - 1000cc
#741/3 - 2000cc
No. 741 - 1000 CC Graduated Jug, 1-handle in Milliliters (Cubic Centimeters) (Crystal)
No. 742 - 5 Pint Graduated Jug, 1-handle in Pints Old number No. 10
Available graduated double scale
No. 745 - Childow Expansion Jar Graduated in 20 Milliliter (cc) Divisions Available Sizes:
#745/1 - 1000cc - 4" Dia, 7" Ht
#745/2 - 1500cc - 5" Dia, 6" Ht
No. 745 - 1000 ML Childow Expansion Jar Graduated in 20 ML Divisions (Crystal)
No. 746 - Expansion Jar Graduated in 50 ML (cc) Divisions Available Sizes:
#746/1 - 2000cc - 5" Dia, 7" Ht
#746/2 - 3000cc - 5" Dia, 11" Ht
No. 746 - 2000 ML Expansion Jar Graduated in 50cc Divisions (Crystal)
No. 747 - 1000cc Valentine Receiver, Engraved Graduation Available Plain or Engraved
1903 Number: No. 37 - Valentine Receiver
No. 748 - Kelly Infusion Bottle Kelly Infusion Bottles are standard for Carrel-Dankin Outfits
Available plain or graduated to 1000cc in Amber & Crystal
No. 749 - Kelly Infusion Bottle, Engraved Graduation Kelly Infusion Bottles are standard for Carrel-Dankin Outfits
Available plain or graduated to 700cc in Amber & Crystal
1909 Number: No. 1 - Kelly Infusion Bottle, Engraved Graduation
Advertisment including No. 749 - Kelly Infusion Bottle as part of Dakin's Solution System
Components including No. 749 - Kelly Infusion Bottle as part of Dakin's Solution System
No. 750 - Kelly Infusion Bottle, Engraved Graduation Kelly Infusion Bottles are standard for Carrel-Dankin Outfits
Available plain or graduated to 700cc in Amber & Crystal
1909 Number: No. 2 - Kelly Infusion Bottle, Engraved Graduation
No. 751 - Fowler Infusion Bottle, Engraved Graduations Available plain or graduated to 60 oz.
No. 752 - Kelly Infusion Bottle Kelly Infusion Bottles are standard for Carrel-Dankin Outfits
Available plain or graduated to 250cc in Amber & Crystal
No. 754 - Percolating Jar, Apothecaries Measure Graduated in ounces
Available Sizes:
#754/1 - 16 oz.
#754/2 - 32 oz.
#754/3 - 64 oz.
#754/4 - 128 oz.
#754/5 - 256 oz.
No. 754 - 32 oz. Percolating Jar, Apothecaries Measure (Crystal)
No. 755 - Percolating Jar, Metric Scale Graduated in Milliliters
Available Sizes:
#755/1 - 500cc
#755/2 - 1000cc
#755/3 - 2000cc
#755/4 - 3000cc
#755/5 - 4000cc
#755/6 - 8000cc
Also No. 756 - Percolating Jar, Double Scale in ounces like #754 & metric like #755
408 files on 21 page(s) 12

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