1630 Blown Tumblers


The 1630 line was introduced prior to 1920 and was incorporated into the 3060 stemware line in the 1920.

8701 Blown Tumblers


The 8701 blown tumbler line was introduced prior to 1913 and continued into the 1920s.

8858 Blown Tumblers


The 8858 blown tumbler line was introduced prior to 1913 and continued into the 1920s. A number of decorations was applied to this list.

9403 Blown Tumblers


The 9403 blown tumbler line was started in the Nearcut era but remained popular tumblers and was produced for several decades.

9415 - 9 oz. Tumbler


This single 9 oz. tumbler was used as part of many blown ware lines and provides an excellent example of the many decorations that appeared on blown ware.

Miscellaneous Blown Tumblers


This album contains a large number of early blown tumblers produced by Cambridge.

15 albums on 2 page(s) 2

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