Some images in this album courtesy of Replacements, Ltd.
Rock Crystal Engraving 942 Belfast |
Pristine 382 - 12" Oval Bowl, 2-handleAvailable R. C. Eng. 919 The Pines, 920 Killarney, 921 Fantasy, 922 Strawflower, 935 Etruscan, 936 Grecian, 942 Belfast, 951 Broadmoor, 952 Chesterfield, 953 American Star, 960 Cranston, 981 Whitehall, 992 Regent, 1003 Manor
Pristine 386 - 11" Footed BowlAvailable R. C. Eng. 907 Neo Classic, 919 The Pines, 920 Killarney, 921 Fantasy, 922 Strawflower, 935 Etruscan, 936 Grecian, 942 Belfast, 951 Broadmoor, 952 Chesterfield, 953 American Star, 960 Cranston, 981 Whitehall
Pristine 418 - 12" 5-compartment Celery and RelishAvailable R. C. Eng. 821 King Edward, 942 Belfast, 1053 Harvest, 1066 Thistle, Laurel Wreath
Pristine 427 - 10" Salad Bowl, R. C. Eng. 942 Belfast
Pristine 429 - 11" Salad BowlAvailable R. C. Eng. 907 Neo Classic, 919 The Pines, 920 Killarney, 921 Fantasy, 922 Strawflower, 935 Etruscan, 936 Grecian, 942 Belfast, 951 Broadmoor, 952 Chesterfield, 953 American Star, 960 Cranston, 1015 Hanover
Pristine 430 - 12" Belled Bowl, R. C. Eng. 942 Belfast
Pristine 431 - 13" Salad BowlAvailable R. C. Eng. 907 Neo Classic, 919 The Pines, 920 Killarney, 921 Fantasy, 922 Strawflower, 935 Etruscan, 936 Grecian, 942 Belfast, 952 Chesterfield, 953 American Star, 960 Cranston, 981 Whitehall, 992 Regent, Tulip, Gateway
Pristine 433 - 15" Belled BowlAvailable R. C. Eng. 907 Neo Classic, 919 The Pines, 935 Etruscan, 936 Grecian, 942 Belfast, 951 Broadmoor, 952 Chesterfield, 953 American Star, 960 Cranston
Pristine 434 - 15½" Salad BowlAvailable R. C. Eng. 907 Neo Classic, 919 The Pines, 920 Killarney, 921 Fantasy, 922 Strawflower, 935 Etruscan, 936 Grecian, 942 Belfast, 951 Broadmoor, 952 Chesterfield, 953 American Star, 960 Cranston, 981 Whitehall
Pristine 435 - 7½" BowlAvailable R. C. Eng. 907 Neo Classic, 919 The Pines, 920 Killarney, 921 Fantasy, 922 Strawflower, 935 Etruscan, 936 Grecian, 942 Belfast, 951 Broadmoor, 952 Chesterfield, 953 American Star, 960 Cranston
Pristine 438 - 10" Bowl, 2-handleAvailable R. C. Eng. 907 Neo Classic, 919 The Pines, 920 Killarney, 921 Fantasy, 922 Strawflower, 935 Etruscan, 936 Grecian, 942 Belfast, 951 Broadmoor, 952 Chesterfield, 953 American Star, 960 Cranston, 981 Whitehall, 992 Regent
Pristine 468 - 6½" Tall ComportAvailable R. C. Eng. 907 Neo Classic, 919 The Pines, 920 Killarney, 921 Fantasy, 922 Strawflower, 935 Etruscan, 936 Grecian, 942 Belfast, 951 Broadmoor, 952 Chesterfield, 953 American Star, 992 Regent
Pristine 476 - 11½" Tom and Jerry Bowl or Punch BowlAvailable R. C. Eng. 907 Neo Classic, 919 The Pines, 920 Killarney, 921 Fantasy, 922 Strawflower, 935 Etruscan, 936 Grecian, 942 Belfast, 951 Broadmoor, 952 Chesterfield, 953 American Star, 960 Cranston
Pristine 485 - Punch LadleAvailable R. C. Eng. 942 Belfast, 951 Broadmoor, 952 Chesterfield, 953 American Star, 960 Cranston
Pristine 486 - 5 oz. Punch Cup, 1-Handle Available R. C. Eng. 907 Neo Classic, 919 The Pines, 920 Killarney, 921 Fantasy, 922 Strawflower, 935 Etruscan, 936 Grecian, 942 Belfast, 951 Broadmoor, 952 Chesterfield, 953 American Star, 960 Cranston, 10P Starlite
Pristine 494 - 3½" CandlestickAvailable R. C. Eng. 907 Neo Classic, 919 The Pines, 920 Killarney, 921 Fantasy, 922 Strawflower, 935 Etruscan, 936 Grecian, 942 Belfast, 951 Broadmoor, 952 Chesterfield, 953 American Star, 960 Cranston
Pristine 497 - 5½" 1-lite Candlestick with #4 PrismAvailable R. C. Eng. 907 Neo Classic, 919 The Pines, 920 Killarney, 921 Fantasy, 922 Strawflower, 935 Etruscan, 936 Grecian, 942 Belfast, 951 Broadmoor, 952 Chesterfield, 953 American Star, 960 Cranston
Pristine 498 - 7" CandlestickAvailable R. C. Eng. 907 Neo Classic, 919 The Pines, 920 Killarney, 921 Fantasy, 922 Strawflower, 935 Etruscan, 936 Grecian, 942 Belfast, 951 Broadmoor, 952 Chesterfield, 953 American Star, 960 Cranston
Pristine 502 - 6" 2-lite Candlestick with #4 PrismsAvailable R. C. Eng. 907 Neo Classic, 919 The Pines, 920 Killarney, 921 Fantasy, 922 Strawflower, 935 Etruscan, 936 Grecian, 942 Belfast, 951 Broadmoor, 952 Chesterfield, 953 American Star, 960 Cranston
Pristine 502 - 6" 2-lite Candlestick with #4 Prisms, R. C. Eng. 942 Belfast (Crystal)