Plate etching 739 first appeared in the 1930 Cambridge catalog. The following decorates were also available: D/975-Gold Encrusted and D/975-S-Silver Encrusted.
Plate Etching 744 "Apple Blossom" was introduced in 1930 and received much attention in 1930 and 1931. Apple Blossom was also available as D/970 Gold Encrusted and D/970-S Silver Encrusted.
Plate etching 748 "Lorna" was introduced in the Fall of 1930. Lorna was also available as D/973 Gold Encrusted, D/973-S Silver Encrusted and D/996 Etching with Enamel Edge.
Plate etching 752 "Diane" was introduced in the Fall of 1930. Diane was also available as D/1012 Gold Encrusted and D/1011 Gold Edge. All of the items shown in this album were listed as available with the Diane etching even though many of the items don't show the actual etching. The album also includes items added to production in the 1940s.
Plate etching 754 "Portia" was introduced in 1932. Portia was also available as D/1001 Gold Encrusted and D/1000 Gold Edge. All of the items shown in this album were listed as available with the Portia etching even though many of the items don't show the actual etching. The album also includes items added to production in the 1940s.
Plate etching 758 "Chintz" (#1) was the first of three plate etchings named Chintz. It first appeared in a 1932 Cambridge catalog supplement. Decorate versions included: D/997-Gold Encrusted, D/997/1-Red Enamel Edge, D/997/2-Black Enamel Edge and D/997/3-Blue Enamel Edge.
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